1. Faculty head
a. Overall charge, responsible to the university’s board according to the prescribed functions and tasks.
b. Directly in charge:
- Political thought works; Faculty personnel works; Ensuring teaching and learning quality;
- Annual officers evaluating, emulation and commendation work implementation within faculty’s hierarchy;
- Building plan for annual training and fostering officials and employees. Comprehensive management of faculty members;
- Scientific research work of lecturers and students; Student work;
- Developing training program and curriculum writing.
c. Other missions according to Principal’s assignment.
2. Faculty head’s assistant
Faculty head’s assistant has to help the Faculty head in performing functions and tasks of the Faculty, and be responsible to the Dean for assigned tasks, as follows:
a. Performing Faculty head’s works when the Faculty head is absent.
b. Directly in charge:
- Lecturers’s teaching works (content, method, outline, schedule, lecture, discipline);
- Preparing plans in class observation, and training plans for new lecturers;
- Managing teaching works of lecturers in the faculty; reporting to Faculty head issues those cannot be dealt with accoding to the authority;
Weekly and immediately report to Faculty head about the issues those are in charge.