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MTU welcomed National Central University and Can Tho University Delegates

MTU welcomed National Central University and Can Tho University Delegates

On 14th September, National Central University (NCU) delegates team led by Prof. Wen-Yi Hung and Can Tho University (CTU) representatives led by Dr. Pham Huu Ha Giang visited and worked with MTU.

Dr. Nguyen Van Xuan – Rector of MTU – welcomed NCU and CTU delegates – Pic: Thu Hang

From MTU, Dr. Nguyen Van Xuan – Rector, Dr. Nguyen Van Chieu – Vice Rector, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Long Giang – Head of Scientific Research and International Cooperation Department, Mr. Trinh Cong Luan – Deputy Head of Scientific Research and International Cooperation Department, Mr. Doan Van Det – Deputy Director of Environment and Experimental Center and other distinguished guests jointly welcomed the delegate team.

At the meeting, Dr. Nguyen Van Xuan expressed MTU’s joy in hosting National Central University and Can Tho University delegates and hopes that delegates felt at home in the visit.

Prof. Wen-Yi Hung communicated his excitement in visting and working with MTU and CTU. He hoped to connect a closed relationship among NCU, MTU and CTU. Prof. Wen-Yi Hung also made a presentation on some research topics in NCU and expressed the desire to collaborate with researchers from MTU and CTU.

In response to the enthusiasm of Prof. Wen-Yi Hung, MTU made presentations introducing the overview of MTU and the Environment and Experimental Center (MTU) as well as presenting the bank erosion situation and solution in Mekong Delta.

To end the meeting, delegation of NCU and CTU visited the Environment and Experimental Center of MTU and discussed about modern equipment

Some other pictures:

The presentation by Prof. Wen-Yi Hung – Pic: Thu Hang

Dr. Nguyen Van Xuan sent sourvenirs for Prof. Wen-Yi Hung – Pic: Thu Hang

Delegates taking photographs at the meeting– Pic: Thu Hang

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